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Booty Camp Dating Service is a wildly successful matchmaking company. The twist? Well, Wolf Saber --who inherited his gift-- is NEVER wrong when he matches people. It’s a gift passed down from his grandmother to his mother to him.

He’s sexy but stays behind the scenes, letting his buddy Chance do all the talking while he matches the clients at parties and events. Booty Camp Dating Service travels the country, and nine months after they leave the city there’s always a flurry of weddings and an accompanying baby boom. Booty Camp claims that clients will be 110% satisfied and they deliver on that promise every single time.

Except Wolf refuses to deliver on that guarantee for himself. He doesn’t find love until Hazel Lavender’s best friend pushes her through his front door. Now all he wants to do is make sure Hazel is 110% satisfied…in his bed. Which, ironically, would break the very rules Wolf demands of his employees--no dating clients, ever.
So instead, Wolf and Hazel fight. And kiss. And fight some more.

Will Wolf’s own rules make him the very first Booty Camp Happily Never After? (Book Camp Dating Service is a STAND ALONE!)


The Minute I heard about Booty Camp Dating Service I got so excited I didn't even know  exactly  what it was  about  all I knew is that it was written by Debra Anastasia and that it was Romantic Comedy and that was all I needed to  know  and then the cover and the synopsis   was revealed and I just knew I had to my hands on this book as soon as possible .When I got the opportunity to read this book early I was thrilled and read it as soon as I possibly could .This book was fantastic  ! 

In this book  we follow Wolf and Hazel .Its safe to say these two did  not  start  on the best footing , but as the story went on I needed  Wolf and Hazel  to be together ! they are perfect for each other ,however they didn't  see it  that way in the beginning. With Hazel being fresh out of a bad relationship and Wolf just  being  very stubborn  and of course the fact they were constantly fighting lol  I could understand why ,but  at the same time they had  such intense sexual chemistry that lead to them having some really steamy hot sexy times .At the end of this book I felt that Hazel and Wolf got an ending that was absolutely perfect for them.

This story was laugh out  loud funny ,the way  a lot of things are described and said in this book either had me laughing or left me with a big grin on my  face .Debra Anastasia wrote such unique , funny story  with a whole lot of heart in it .With the fantastic  cast  of characters, this lovely dating service and sexy romance  she has created another fantastic story with Booty Camp Dating Service.

Booty Camp Dating Service was a  sexy ,  funny( very very funny !) , heartwarming story. I cannot wait to see what Debra Anastasia writes next ! If you love all these things in your books I suggest you get a copy .



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Wolf pulled her close so her chest was pressed into his and used his other hand to throw everything off his desk, including the light. It tossed interesting shadows around the room, but her magnificent face was highlighted, and that was exactly what he needed. He kissed her while laying her gently back on the desk.
“Hey.” Hazel stopped him, and he waited to see what she needed while panting a bit. “Don’t be gentle, for fuck’s sake.”
He stood up and looked at the wall for a second, running his hands down his face.
“Am I too much for you?” she asked.
He heard the hint of self-conscious seeping in. And that was criminal.
He crawled on top of the desk, caging her between his hands and knees.
“No. My problem is that I want a bed. And maybe some rope and lots of lube and good music and a few things that vibrate in a drawer close by. I want to make you come on my face so hard you think you’re dying and this”—he looked around his office—“is none of that.”
Hazel’s returning bravado made her eyes sparkle. “Surely a man that runs a dating service can be creative when he needs to be?”
His only reply to her dare was to put her nipple in his mouth while massaging between her legs with one hand. With the other he balanced above her perilously on the narrow desk. His knees were close to the edge, hemming her in.
She bucked against his hand and hissed at him. “Get to work, then.” She grabbed his face and pulled it back up to her mouth.

Line up readers, your Booty Camp date is waiting…

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NOOK: (Find link late Sunday Night!) (Debra’s Nook Page: )

Kobo: (Find link late Sunday Night!) Debra’s Kobo Page: )

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Want to win four signed paperbacks, a Booty Camp engagement ring and a Poughkeepsie keychain?

And last, but not least! THE BOOTY SALE!!!

Booty Camp Dating Service had inspired a .99¢ Blast sale! Poughkeepsie is even available for free! (*In order to get Poughkeepsie free you MUST follow the link to Debra’s website here: Prices for a LIMITED time so grab them quick.

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Fire Down Below:
Fire in the Hole:
The Revenger:

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Debra writes stories mostly in her pajamas with her hairy coworkers (dogs and a cat) to keep her company. Comedy, New Adult, Paranormal and Angst stories fill up her hard drive. A lot of her time is spent in the mom carpool lane. Debra has been married for 19 years to her favorite guy. She loves to laugh at her own farts in the morning and can be found on Facebook and Twitter being an idiot. She’ll hug you if she ever meets you and will most likely smell like cotton candy when she does it.
Find her at

Twitter: @Debra_Anastasia

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  1. I did everything listed above! Thanks..this looks great!

    1. Hi! could you please send a email to you are the winner !!


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